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Carlow College, St. Patrick’s is committed to developing and maintaining a governance and organisational structure that is effective, flexible, sustainable, transparent and viable. This commitment is outlined in the College’s Strategic Plan 2017 – 2022 whereby the following goals, in relation to governance and organisational structure, are prioritised: reviewing and monitoring on a continuous basis the effectiveness of organisational structures and processes within the College; outlining and revising key areas of accountability, roles and line management functions; continuing the development of a robust quality assurance system to inform and support governance and organisational structures; and ensuring that strategic targets set for the College have built-in mechanisms for monitoring their effectiveness.

The governance of Carlow College is managed by the Governing Body in accordance with the Instrument of Governance. Their role is, in an overall capacity, to provide strategic guidance and to monitor the activities and effectiveness of the management of Carlow College; additionally, the Governing Body also has a statutory requirement to ensure that the charitable mission of the College is safeguarded and carried out in accordance with the Charities Act 2009.

The Governing Body constructively supports the President and the two decision-making bodies within the College, the Management Board and Academic Council. Both the Management Board and the Academic Council have reporting committees that have defined responsibilities which are published in their terms of references.

Carlow College, St. Patrick’s complies with the Charities Governance Code and the Charities SORP: Statement of Recommended Practice applicable to charities preparing their accounts in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard (FRS 102).



Bishop Denis Nulty

Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin, Chairperson of the Governing Body and Property Trustees

Cáitlín Mhic Cárthaigh

Former Príomhoide, Gaelcholáiste, Ceatharlach, Vice Chairperson

Msgr John Byrne PP

Parish Priest of Portlaoise Parish, Co Laois and VG of the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin

Mr Peter Carey

Former Chief Executive of Kildare County Council

Mr Pat Deering

Former TD for the Carlow–Kilkenny constituency

Ms Rachel Doyle

Founder and MD of Arboretum Home and Garden Centres

Mr Colin Duggan

General Manager at the Woodford Dolmen Hotel

Fr John Dunphy

Parish Priest of Graiguecullen / Killeshin Parish, Co Laois

Mr Michael Kelly

Former CEO, Carlow County Enterprise Board

Ms Helen Maher

Vice President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, University of Galway

Deputy Jennifer Murnane O’Connor TD

TD for the Carlow–Kilkenny constituency

Mr Michael Moriarty

Former General Secretary of Education and Training Boards Ireland and former President of the European Federation of Education Employers

Ms Bernie O’Brien

Former Director of Services, Carlow County Council

Ms Bernadette Ward

Former Human Resources Director with Procter and Gamble




Students’ Union President 2023-2024 Academic Year

Mr Brian Barry

Director of Strategy & Operations

Dr Eric Derr

College Vice President

Dr Lisa Fortune

Director of Student Services and Supports

Ms Sabrina Hurley


Ms Helen Whelan

Admissions Office (Professional and Support Staff Representative) (up to 5/12/2024)

Administrator (Professional and Support Staff Representative) from 20/1/2025

Msgr John McEvoy

College Vice President and Parish Priest of Rathvilly Parish

Dr Margaret Murphy

Vice President for Academic Affairs and Registrar

Fr Conn Ó Maoldhomhnaigh

College President

Mr Michael Sherman

College Lecturer (Academic Staff Representative)


Annual Reports

Annual Report of Carlow College, St. Patrick’s for 2022 in accordance with Section 22 of the Protected Disclosures Act 2014

Each public body is required under Section 22 of the Act to publish an annual report setting out the number of Protected Disclosures received in the preceding year and the action taken (if any). This report must not result in persons making disclosures being identifiable.

This report covers the period 1 January 2022 – 31 December 2022.

No Protected Disclosures were made to Carlow College, St. Patrick’s in the period covered by this report.

Organisational Chart

Quality System Structure

Terms of References