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Welcome to the Library


We are looking forward to seeing you in the library and helping to make your time here as rewarding as we can. Now, more than ever, we would like to emphasize to you the wealth of resources you have access to online, not only in terms of our online collection but in terms of our online supports. To access any of our online supports just head over to the Supports section.

To get started you will need:

  • Your Learner ID- You need this card to borrow books from the Library.
  • Your CCSP Login credentials – This is your email address and password. You will need this for logging on to the computers in the library.
  • Student Number- You need your student number to access some of our online content and access your Library Accounts.
  • Library Staff- We are always here to help so just ask!


You also will need to access your Library Account to:

  • Check how many books you have out and when they need to be returned
  • Renew your books online
  • Reserve a book for borrowing
  • Accessing some of our online content

All registered students and staff automatically have membership of the library.

  • To use the PC’s you will need your IT login details.
  • Group study spaces can be booked at the library desk or by contacting the library team.
  • You can freely browse the alcoves in the library. P
  • lease return all books to the trolleys on the ground floor if they are not out on loan to you and return all borrowed items to the library desk.
  • We now offer a Self-service desk (located opposite the library desk) where you can issue, renew or return your books.
  • You will need to produce your student card when borrowing books.

To find items from your reading list you:

  1. Type your title, author’s name or key word into the search box on Library Catalogue.
  2. From the results, take note of the class number, as this is where you will find the book in the library. The numbering system the Library uses is called Dewey Decimal Classification. On each book the Library acquires, we will assign it a Dewey class number that identifies its subject matter. This number is found on the spine of the book. The books are arranged on the shelves in numerical order.
  3. Search the library catalogue to find the book and class number.
  4. For more information about this check out our Supports or talk to a member of Library Staff.

It is important to remember that if you are at home, you can still access a wealth of resources online. Much of our collection is available 24-7 but to access some of these you must log into you library account. For some of these resources you will also need a password; you can get these from any member of Library Staff, just call over to the Library Desk or get in touch via email, phone or our Live Chat. To check out our online content just head over to Collections or alternatively you can access our main database collections from the Library Catalogue.

For borrowing rules and regulations, please check out Using the Library. From first to third year, you can borrow 3 books and in fourth you can borrow 5. We are now offering a new Click & Collect service for print books. 

On the ground floor, near the library entrance, you can find facilities for printing, photocopying and scanning. These facilities are paid for using your learner card. You can top up at the Library Desk.

Ask a librarian in person, chat with us on our Live Chat or send us an email to, you can also contact us on 059 9153239. We are available during term time Monday to Thursday 9am – 8.45pm & Friday 9am to 4.45pm.

Your library helpers are Dorothy, Aggie, Ciara & Joe!