Dr Sarah Otten

Dr Sarah Otten


My research interests encompass social justice, feminism and animal ethics.



Peer- reviewed articles

‘A “System of Natural Liberty”: An Examination of Liberal Principles in the Writings of Adam Smith’ in Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society, 2007


Book review

Review of Ryan Patrick Hanley, (Ed), Adam Smith: His Life, Thought and Legacy in ID: International Dialogues, a multi-disciplinary e-journal on world affairs, 2017, at https://unomaha.app.box.com/s/mg52tt6o91xt2q6pktdk3x7gh10vh9v

Further Research Outputs

Conference organisation

2017: Irish Philosophical Society’s conference, Humans & Other Animals, Carlow College, 3rd and 4th November 2017 (Co-organiser).


Conference/Seminar Papers

May 2018      ‘Adam Smith’s Social Individual’, Philosophy & Economic Forum, Bayreuth University.

Feb 2016       ‘Gender and the 1916 Proclamation: Incompatible Perspectives on Women’s Citizenship, at Carlow College’s 1916 Conference, Carlow College, St. Patrick’s. (Co-written with Helen Maher)

Dec 2016      ‘Smith and Sociability’, Early Modern Philosophy Conference, All Hallows, Dublin.

Nov 2013      ‘Adam Smith’s Notion of Justice: Some Hints Towards Reframing the Justice Problem in Care Ethics’, SWIP Ireland Autumn Conference, Trinity College Ireland.

Oct 2007      ‘Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde: An Examination of the Adam Smith Problem’ Maynooth Graduate Colloquim.

Mar 2007      ‘An Examination of Liberal Principles in the Works of Adam Smith’, at the Irish Philosophical Society’s The Open Society Conference, NUI Cork.


Outreach/ Public Events/ Talks

Mar 2020      ‘Should I Eat Meat? Learning to Explore, Form and Express Moral Judgments’, Public Lecture at Carlow College, St. Patrick’s.

Sep 2019      ‘How to apply for Ethical Approval’, Carlow College staff CPD workshop for supervisors of undergraduate and postgraduate (taught) Masters programme.

Awards & Funding

I am a member of the following organisations:

Irish Philosophical Society (Treasurer 2008 – 2011)

Society of Women in Philosophy (SWIP) Ireland (Editor of Annual SWIP Newsletter 2014 – 2017)

Adam Smith Society