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Strategic Plan


Summary of the Carlow College Strategic Plan 2023 - 2028

Carlow College, St. Patrick’s was founded in 1782 and had its first admissions in 1793.  The College’s Strategic Plan 2023 – 2028   sets the course for the College for the next five years and is built on the 2017 -2022 plan which was the result of a consultative process involving a College staff listening exercise along with input from external stakeholders and members of the local community. 

The Strategic Plan 2023 – 2028 builds on our history as a College of Teaching and Research in the Humanities and Social Care. We are proud of our Catholic tradition and ethos and we are committed to social inclusion and equality of access to higher education. Carlow College St. Patrick’s will continue to deliver third level education based on our long-standing principles.

This Strategic Plan has been developed to reinforce our commitment to ensuring a positive future for Carlow College, St. Patrick’s and our alignment with Government direction on Higher Education in Ireland. 

Vision, Mission

& Values

Strategic Objectives

Our Strategic Plan sets our 7 strategic objectives, each with a set of approaches and actions that will allows us to achieve them.


& Learning

Objective 1
To engage and inspire through the quality of our transformational learning and teaching experiences


as Community

Objective 2
To enable our diverse students and graduates to achieve their academic, personal and career potential. As staff, we will work together as a confident and co-operative team, sharing the same values and focus on personal and professional development, working individually, collaboratively and in partnerships to ensure the successful achievement of all College objectives.

Marketing &

Student Recruitment

Objective 3
To enhance the College’s reputation and reach and to increase student numbers through an integrated approach to marketing and student recruitment.

Information & Data

Management Systems

Objective 4
To develop a reliable information and data management system, with analytics and resources to inform improved teaching and learning experiences, enhanced communication, improved administrative processes, and an evidence-base for strategic planning and continued development robust quality assurance.

Governance &

Organisational Structure

Objective 5
To develop and refine organisational structures and processes that combine to shape institutional activity that is strategic and responsive to achieving college goals.


& Partnerships

Objective 6
To consolidate and develop our collaborative relationships and to engage with local, regional and international partners in planned projects and events that contribute to the educational, cultural, social and economic life of our local and regional communities and the wider national and international society.


& Sustainability

Objective 7
The College is committed to further development in line with strategic objectives through the development of a high-quality campus that is environmentally sustainable, enhancing the teaching, learning, socialising and living experience of students, staff and visitors.

Read the Strategic Plan

Teaching & Learning Strategy