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We are proud of our vibrant and diverse multicultural community and recognise the importance that faith, belief and spirituality play in the lives of many people.

Chaplaincy is an inclusive service that offers a space for community, conversation, support, guidance and enrichment for all students and staff at CCSP.

Our Chaplain, Liam Dunne, recognises and responds to the pastoral and spiritual needs of our students and provides a compassionate, supportive presence and a listening ear, in confidence, for the entire college community and for those of all faiths and none.

Open-door Policy

An ‘open-door’ policy to the Chaplain’s office is maintained to enable students to drop by at any time, feel welcome, and to seek support in times of distress, illness, bereavement or other personal challenges. For those looking for some quiet space, our prayer room offers a peaceful environment for meditation or just time away from the demands of college life.

Chaplaincy is an integral part of the Student Services within CCSP, providing a holistic approach to student well-being and support to ensure that you get the most out of your time at Carlow College. The Chaplaincy Moodle Page is an excellent resource with information on how to care for your mental, physical, spiritual and social wellbeing. It also contains information about upcoming Chaplaincy events, useful tools and resources and a contacts page, so you can find the supports you need.  Through Chaplaincy, you can meet new friends, unwind between classes, and just be yourself!

Chaplaincy details:

Name:                          Liam Dunne


Phone number:          059 9153245

Office hours:               Tues, Wed, and Thurs; 9am – 5pm.

(The Chaplain’s Office is located on the Second Floor, South Wing, beside James Fintan Lalor Hall).

Chaplaincy @ Third Level

Upcoming Events