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Terms and Conditions of Learner Registration


To complete the registration process, all learners are required to agree to the terms and conditions as set out below annually.

  • Various categories of learner personal data are processed by Carlow College, St. Patrick’s for the purposes of provision of education and other services, and for related administrative and record-keeping purposes. Personal data will be processed in accordance with data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018. Further information about how Carlow College, St. Patrick’s processes learner data is set out in the College’s Privacy Notice for Learners and Data Protection Policy.
  • Carlow College, St. Patrick’s programmes are validated by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI). In order for an award to be conferred on learners, Carlow College, St. Patrick’s is required to send learner data, including examination results, to QQI. Further information about how learner personal data is processed by QQI is available here. 
  • Carlow College, St. Patrick’s may share learner personal data with various external organisations, typically where it is required by legislation or where there is a data sharing agreement in place. This includes, but is not limited to, the Higher Education Authority, Central Applications Office, Quality and Qualifications Ireland, Learner Universal Support Ireland, and practice placement partners. The College will ensure that all data sharing is in compliance with data protection laws, and that appropriate agreements to protect the data are in place. 
  • Carlow College, St. Patrick’s reserves the right to make variations to programme content, and methods of delivery, and to discontinue, merge, add or combine programmes, both before and after a learner’s admission to the College. In particular, the College preserves the right not to run elective modules if minimum numbers are not met. 
  • Following registration, each learner will be provided with a Carlow College e-mail account. Learners are required to check their e-mail accounts on a regular basis as official College correspondence will be sent to these accounts. Carlow College, St Patrick’s will not be liable if a learner fails to be aware of information because they have not read e-mails sent from the College. 
  • By registering annually for their programme, learners are in effect declaring that they believe their health status is such as to allow them to undertake safe and effective study and/or practice. 
  • By registering, the learner undertakes that all fees and charges due to Carlow College, St. Patricks will be paid by them personally or on their behalf by an approved authority.   Learners may not progress to re-registration for a subsequent year or to graduation while there remains an outstanding balance on their fees or registration account.  
  • By registering, the learner implicitly agrees to be bound by the rules and regulations (available on the Student Gateway) of the learning community of Carlow College, St. Patrick’s.  In particular the learner agrees to be bound by the Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy and the requirement to attend an Academic Integrity workshop. 
  • Carlow College, St. Patrick’s reserves the right to withdraw an offer or terminate a registration if a learner is found to have given false or misleading information or documents as part of the admissions and registration process, or, if they fail to satisfy the Garda Vetting requirements for their registered programme of study. 

For further information on data collection and management by Carlow College, St. Patrick’s see the College’s Privacy Notice for Learners.