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Titas Biswas

Lecturer, Media studies


Titaś Biswas is a sociologist and media/film scholar. Her work is interdisciplinary,
drawing from the social sciences as well as arts and humanities and world literatures. She
is currently a doctoral candidate at the UCD School of Sociology. She also works as a
lecturer in Media Studies at Carlow College St Patrick’s and as a Research Assistant on the
Horizon-Europe funded project INSPIRE (Intersectional Spaces of Participation: Inclusive,
Resilient, Embedded) based in ISS21 and the School of Applied Social Studies at UCC.
She has worked as a lecturer in Ireland across various third level institutions. Her teaching
experience is, as an extension of her research work, interdisciplinary and eclectic. She
lectures on social psychology, conflict, film studies, media and communications, gender
and memory studies and aims to continue working as an educator and researcher in the

The body of her written work stretches beyond academia into the realms of journalism,
creative writing and occasionally poetry. She has worked briefly in the entertainment
industry as a reviewer, blogger and writer for talent agencies.

Research Interest

Historical Sociology, Conflict Studies, Body Politics, Gender Studies, Memory Studies, Film and Media


Selected Publications

  • Book Review of ‘Cinecepts, Deleuze, and Godard-Miéville: Developing Philosophy through
    Audiovisual Media’ (2025) Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media (Forthcoming)
  •  Exploring Discursive Absence of Colonialities in German Pedagogies: A Sociological
    Psychoanalytical Exploration. International Journal of Psychoanalysis and Education:
    Subject, Action & Society, 4(2), 88–102.
  •  ‘Pedagogy as Body Politic: Exploring the Female Body as a Site of War in Saffronised India’
    (2025) Fascism: Comparative Journal of Fascist Studies (Brill) special issue.
  •  Class-Caste Politics, Hierarchy, and Hindutva in Indian Cinema and Protest Theatre. (2023)
    Co-authored with A. Banerjee. Wasafiri.
  • Book Review of ‘The Integration of the Second Generation in Germany: Results of the TIES
    Survey on the Descendants of Turkish and Yugoslavian Migrants’ by Inken Sürig and Mauren
    Wilmes. (2022). Publisher: Amsterdam University Press. ISBN: 978 90 8964 842 6.
    Sociological Research Online. SAGE Publications.
  •  Pedagogical Curricula and Educational Media: The Malignancy of Saffronised Otherisation
    in India. Zoon Politikon (2020), pp 146-199.
  •  ‘’Quantity’: Exploring Semanticity and the Philosophy of History in Marxist Literature’
    co-authored with Dr. Samir Karmakar, Director of the School of Languages and Linguistics,
    Jadavpur University and Sourajeet Mitra. The Bengali version is titled ‘মার্ক্সি য় ভাবনায় গর্ক্িত এবং
    ইর্ক্তহাসের দর্িন’ (2019), Alochana Chakra: Karl Marx. pp. 90-100. ISSN 2231-3990.


Invited Talk/Conferences

  • ‘Addressing intersectional inequalities in local governance: Creative approaches to
    coproducing advocacy politics with migrant women in Kildare, Ireland’ co-authored with Dr
    Catherine Forde and Dr Vanessa Liston. European Consortium for Political Research
    (ECPR), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (August 2025)
  • Addressing intersectional inequalities in local governance: Feminist decolonial intervention
    in producing inclusive participation with migrant women in Kildare, Ireland co-authored
    with Dr Catherine Forde and Dr Vanessa Liston. Sociological Association of Ireland (SAI)
    Annual Conference (May 2025)
  •  Invited as a panelist to the book launch of ‘The Anti-Racist Media Manifesto’ (Polity Press)
    written by Anamik Saha, Francesca Sobande, Gavan Titley at Maynooth University (October 2024)
  • ‘Exploring a Materialist Evolution of Mnemonics in Cinema: A Journey from the Left
    Bank to the Post-Humanist Era’ at Historical Materialism: Polycrisis Across Divides organised
    on 29th -31st August 2024 at Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Cluj Napoca
  •  ‘Neofascism, Informational Capitalism and Saffronisation: Exploring Fascism in Post1990s India’
    at a conference titled ‘Radical right in Europe and East Asia: Comparison

    and New Approaches in Research’ organised by Masaryk institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of
    Sciences Department of Chinese Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic from on 15 November 2023.
  • Invited Lecture on ‘Body Politics and Fascism in Saffronised India’ on 25 February, 2024
    organised by ‘Rashtrabigyan Charchakendra’.
  •  Selected to attend Summer School 2025 organised by The Association for the Study of
    Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN).
  • Co-organised a seminar titled ‘Towards Anti-Fascist Praxis: Decoding Fascist Education
    in the Age of Neoliberal Capitalism’ at the UCD School of Sociology on 20 October 2023.
    The panel of speakers invited included: Prof Steven Loyal, Prof Kieran Allen, Steph Hanlon.
  •  ‘Mapping Saffron Paramilitarism: A Historical-Sociological Analysis of
    Phallocentricity, Gender based Violence and Neo-Fascism in India’ at ‘The Sixth
    Convention of the International Association for Comparative Fascist Studies (COMFAS)’ in
    Vienna, Austria on 07 October 2023.
  • ‘Dalitisation of Cultural Behaviour: Representation of Dalithood as a Symbol within
    Educational Curricula and Media’ co-authored with Dr. Sibansu Mukhopadhyay at The
    Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology 2022/2023 organised by The University of The
    Philippines Diliman at the center, with University partners SOAS, University of London,
    University of Hawai’i and University of Illinois. Chaired the Breakout Room session on 18
    May at The CALA 2023
  •  Interviewed by Reshmi Chakraborty on behalf of The Juggernaut for contribution as a fellow
    at The 1947 Partition Archive. Article titled ‘The New Guard Archiving Partition Stories’.
    can be accessed here. (2020)
  •  ‘The Capitalisation of the Bengali Language: An Introspection of Our Responsiveness
    to Changes in the Sociolinguistic Ambiance after Globalisation’ in a multidisciplinary
    international conference on ‘Negotiations between the ‘Local’ and the ‘Global’ in Cultural
    Bengal: Community, Society and Politics organised by A.B.N Seal College in Association
    with Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). (2019)


BA (Hons) in Sociology with a minor in Linguistics (Jadavpur University, 2021)

MSc Comparative Social Change (Trinity College Dublin and University College Dublin, 2022)

Structured PhD in Sociology (University College Dublin; Expected award: September 2026)