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Should I Eat Meat? Public Lecture

Should I eat meat? Learning to explore, form and express moral judgements (without shouting, slamming the door or throwing things!) Public Lecture. Monday 02 March 1.45pm. 

This lecture will explore the moral issue of whether it is right or wrong to eat meat. We will look at what different philosophers have said on the matter of meat eating, and how they have variously condemned meat eating or justified the practice.

The presentation will be conducted in workshop format. In arguing out the different positions on meat eating, we will look at what makes something a moral issue, how we can respond, what we need to consider and how to express our position by giving good reasons for what we believe is right. Moral discussion also requires that we understand others’ reasons for what they believe is right and that we respond to criticisms of our position in a thoughtful manner.

Dr Sarah Otten is a lecturer at Carlow College where she teaches on the Humanities, Social Care and Social, Political and Community Studies degree programmes. She teaches courses in ethics, as well as political and feminist philosophy. She spent four years in Africa working on development projects in Namibia and Malawi. Her research interests encompass social justice, feminism and animal ethics.

This event is free and open to the public but registration is required.

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