Dr James Hoctor (University of Kent): ‘From PhD Researcher to Podcaster’
Tuesday 15th September 2020
The idea of creating a podcast series was something I had being flirting with during my doctoral studies; however, this was curtailed by the realities
Nicole Burke (TCD): ‘Feminism, neoliberal discourse and the ‘care crisis’ in Ireland’
Tuesday 8th September 2020
I fell in love with feminist theory during my time in Carlow College, St. Patrick’s when I took an elective called ‘Feminist Political Theory’ with
Judy Bolger (TCD): ‘A Hopeless Case’: Constructs of Early Twentieth-century Irish Impoverished Motherhood
Tuesday 1st September 2020
In July 1907, Dublin mother Catherine Smith was ‘charged with grossly neglecting her four children, one of them an infant’ and she was subsequently sentenced