‘Covid and the Social Contract’ by Dr Noel Kavanagh
Monday 8th February 2021
In 1972 the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai was asked what he thought of the French revolution of 1789. His reply was simply, ‘too early to

‘A God-Haunted Man’ by Dr Anthony Barron
Thursday 3rd December 2020
Beckett’s sustained engagement with Christianity prompts many intricate questions. His tendency to eschew metaphysical dogma by means of ironic distancing and irreverent quips might suggest

‘The Politically Transformative Years 1917 to 1921’ by Dr Elaine Callinan
Monday 2nd November 2020
Electioneering and Propaganda in Ireland, 1917-21, Votes, Violence and Victory by Elaine Callinan. The first question I am often asked is why did I choose to