‘To visit my mother’ (?): Returning to Ireland during the revolutionary period, 1916-1923′ by Dr Regina Donlon
Friday 1st May 2020
During the revolutionary era, 1916-1923, a total of 21,754 Irish-born immigrants resident in the United States applied for a passport to visit Ireland. The majority

‘Ireland 2019: Voices from Direct Provision and the State that we are in’ by Stephanie Hanlon
Thursday 9th April 2020
Conference on Direct Provision Ireland 2019: Voices from Direct Provision and the State that we are in Background to the Conference: On Friday 8th November,

‘What history tells us about health panics’ by Dr Ida Milne
Wednesday 1st April 2020
Adults in huddles, worriedly discussing a mystery disease the newspapers have been warning is on the way. Children eavesdropping, sensing the fear that is being hidden