Practice Education Portal

Practice Education Portal

Practice Placements are an essential part of the education and training for professional Social Care Work. Carlow College facilitates two 13-week block placements in approved social care settings. These placements take place at the beginning of Year 2 and in the second half of Year 3. They meet or exceed the minimum number of placement hours (800) required by CORU, the Health and Social Care regulator. In addition, each student attends a two-week intensive pre-placement programme immediately before commencing placement. All students are assigned a college practice tutor and have a named Field Practice Educator at the placement agency. Placement offers an exciting opportunity for students to develop their professional skills, to explore links between theory and practice, and to strengthen their own personal development and professional identity.

In order to ensure the smooth running of placements and to respond effectively to any issues that may arise, placements are supported by policies, procedures and guiding documents. These are available below.