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Academic eBook Collection
EBSCO’s Academic Worldwide eBook collection contains over 170, 000 eBooks for reading and downloading. ID and password required to log in. Please contact Library Staff.

Academic Search Premier
This multi-disciplinary database provides full text for more than 3,100 journals, including full text for nearly 2,700 peer-reviewed titles. ID and password required to log in. Please contact Library Staff.

APA Psychinfo Database
An intuitive search platform built for the discovery and delivery of social and behavioral science content.

BCcampus Open Textbooks:
Provide quality openly licensed textbooks and other Open Educational Resources (OER)  materials with a broad discipline focus. Search by subject and then just download them to your computer.

Directory of Open Access Books:
The purpose of the DOAB is to act as a central repository for open access textbooks, therefore increasing their visibility.  It gives full-text links to open access books on a wide variety including History, Language and Literature, Law and Political Science, Philosophy and Religion, Social Sciences.

EBSCOhost Databases – Search All
EBSCOhost is a platform which hosts a number of research databases. Current students and staff can access hundreds of eBooks and full text journals from the eBook Academic Collection, the multi-disciplinary database Academic Search Premier and SocINDEX with Full Text. ID and password required to log in. Please contact Library Staff.

The Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) is an online digital library of education research and information. ERIC is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the United States Department of Education.

Google Scholar: 
Provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: peer reviewed articles, theses, books, abstracts, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities, and other scholarly organisations.

Irish History Online
Freely available biography of Irish History. Gives access to the contents of the Writings on Irish History from the 1930s and includes bibliographic information on books, pamphlets, articles from journals published in Ireland and internationally as well as chapters from books of essays and conference proceedings.

Irish Newspaper Archives: 
The Irish Newspaper Archives is the world’s largest and oldest online database of Irish Newspapers. You can view Ireland’s past from 1738 all the up to present day. Many of Ireland’s prominent regional and daily Newspapers are now out of print so the Newspaper Archives gives us the chance to view these newspapers exactly as they would have appeared in the print version. ID and password required to log in. Please contact Library Staff.

Irish Statute Book: 
Includes Acts of the Oireachtas , Statutory Instruments, and Legislation Directory of the Statutes for the period of 1922 onwards.  You can access the Constitution and a selection of pre-1922 legislation.

JSTOR is a multi-disciplinary digital Library for researchers and students. Current students and staff can access the ‘Irish Studies’ collection, and the ‘Language and Literature’ collection. ID and password required to log in. Please contact library staff.

JSTOR Open and Free Content:
Provides access to a wide variety of content from open access journals and e-books.

Open Textbook Project initiated at the University of California. Sciences, social science, engineering, business, humanities, and more. Go to Explore the libraries > Choose subject > Go to bookshelves.

MERLOT Open Educational Resources:
(Online repository for learning resources) An initiative of the California State University, MERLOT provides access to a broad range of multi-discipline Open Educational Resources including case studies, journal articles and textbooks.

OASIS (federated search):
This platform searches across: Open Textbook Library, Libretexts, BCcampus, Teaching Commons, GALILEO Open Learning Materials (University System of Georgia)

OER Commons:
(Online repository for learning resources) OER Commons (OER for open educational resources) is a freely accessible online library that allows teachers and others to search and discover open educational resources (OER) and other freely available instructional materials. OER Commons provides access to a broad range of multi-discipline open educational resources including case studies, journal articles and textbooks

Open Access theses and dissertations:
Aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1000 colleges, universities, and research institutions.

OpenStax (Rice University):
Provides access to peer-reviewed, openly-licenced textbooks in maths, science, social sciences, and business.

Open Textbook Library (University of Minnesota):
Over 700 downloadable textbooks covering a broad range of subjects. These books can be freely downloaded.

Project Gutenberg:
Provides access to 60,000+ books for which copyright has expired. Focus is on literature classics, philosophical works, and much more.

Combines the research and higher theses of 16 individual repositories alongside the seven Irish Universities and other research bodies including Teagasc and the HSE. Users can search RIAN by keywords, institution, funding body or item type, to include dissertations and theses.

SocINDEX is the world’s most comprehensive and highest quality sociology research database. It contains full text for more than 860 journals dating back to 1908. This database also includes full text for more than 830 books and monographs, and full text for over 16,800 conference papers. Subjects include gender studies, criminal justice, social psychology, racial studies, religion, and social work. ID and password required to log in. Please contact Library Staff.

SpringerOpen (Springer Nature):
Offers researchers from all areas of science, technology, medicine, the humanities and social sciences a place to publish open access in journals and books. Content is freely available online for everyone and contains a broad range of journal and book content covering topics that include Education, History, Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, Social Sciences, Political Science and International Relations.

UCL Press:
Launched in 2015 as the UK’s first fully open access university press. In that time, it has published over 140 open access scholarly books and textbooks as well as 13 open access journals.  Contains a broad range of content and is freely available for everybody online.