Stephanie McDermott our Community, Equality & Advocacy Lecturer is involved with Kilkenny Women’s Refuge in the One Million Starts project.
One Million Stars to End Violence is a global weaving project that has inspired individuals, groups and communities to weave stars to create light, hope and peace in the world.
Amber Women’s Refuge initiated a Start Weaving project in December 2019 with the aim to raise awareness and provide information about Domestic Violence. Kilkenny County Council has recently partnered with Amber to support and promote this project and to get people weaving stars across Kilkenny and indeed the whole of Ireland.
Unfortunately the Covid-19 crisis has meant that the many community star weaving gatherings now cannot happen so we are encouraging you to get weaving at home with family.
All of the stars will be exhibited in Kilkenny later this year….
Stars can also now be woven from recycled materials like paper bags and wrapping paper the choice is yours. (See video)