Carlow College, St Patrick’s has signed the Higher Education Authority (HEA)’s Race Equality Anti-Racism Principles for Higher Education Institutions reinforcing its commitment to respecting cultural diversity and promoting equity in society.
The Race Equality Principles have been devised by the HEA following extensive stakeholder consultation and analysis of the findings from the Higher Education Authority National Race Equality survey, resulting in the publication of the first National Race Equality Report in October 2021. In signing these principles, Carlow College makes a public commitment to support race equality in its structures and processes.
President of Carlow College, Fr Conn Ó Maoldhomhnaigh said: “This is an important matter for all higher education institutions and Carlow College is pleased to confirm its commitment to challenge racism and race inequality.”
Michael Sherman, Joint Chair of the Athena SWAN SAT Committee in Carlow College said: “As a college community, we are delighted to support and commit to the HEA’s Anti-Racism Principles. Prioritising and embedding these principles in our structures and actions will build on the college’s long tradition and culture of fostering a sense of social justice, care, and advocacy in the lives of every member of the college and wider community.”

Staff from the HEA Centre of Excellence for Equality Diversity and Inclusion, including Senior Manager Dr Jennie Rothwell, and Senior Executive Officer Laura Austin, witnessed the formal signing of the document in Carlow College.
Dr Jennie Rothwell, Senior Manager of the HEA Centre of Excellence for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion said: “the signing of the Anti-Racism Principles by the President of Carlow College, St Patrick’s demonstrates the College’s commitment to advancing race equality for staff and students and taking steps to embed anti-racism into the College’s culture and strategic priorities.”
Through the Race Equality Anti-Racism Principles for Irish Higher Education Institutions Carlow College joins with other HEIs to:
- Embed a commitment to race equality as part of institutional culture and strategic priorities
- Highlight the structural, institutional, and historical dimensions of racism which have informed past and current practice in HEIs and the societies in which they are situated
- Educate staff and students in relation to the structural, institutional, and historical dimensions of racism, as well as the more commonly recognized individual racism seen in acts of discrimination and abuse
- Encourage an open dialogue on advancing race equality
- Adopt an intersectional and intercultural approach when developing anti-racism actions and policies
- Address questions of race equality within the institution’s strategic plans
- Record student and staff data disaggregated by ethnicity to inform anti-racism policies and actions, and monitor retention and career outcomes for students and staff from ethnic minority groups including Travellers
- Continue to ensure a fair and transparent recruitment process for all staff, regardless of ethnicity
- Address race equality issues in relation to progression and retention of students and staff from minority ethnic groups including Travellers