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Leaving Cert Students (CAO Process)

  1. ​The easiest way to apply to CAO is to use the online facility. Go to and click ‘Apply’. Applicants can also request a paper application by contacting the CAO directly.

  2. It is extremely important that all Leaving Certificate Applicants have registered with CAO before 1st February at 17:15.

  3. After the 1st February deadline, the Late Applications facility opens on 5th March. Applicants can make a late application, for a higher fee, until 1st May at 17:15.

  4. Applicants will be asked to tick the ‘Qualifications and Assessments’ section that is relevant to them. Leaving Certificate Applicants must tick the Leaving Certificate Applicants box

  5. Applicants must complete the online CAO application, including sections 1 – 11 of the Leaving Certificate Applicant Section, Applicants must post any supporting documentation, within seven days to: CAO, Tower House, Eglinton Street, Galway.

  6. Applicants who obtain the required points for entry onto the programme and satisfy the entry requirements,  may receive an offer in early August (Round 1).

Please see the table below for the points requirements for Carlow College, St. Patrick’s courses in 2023:

Course TitleCourse CodePoints Round One 2023
B.A in Applied Social Studies (Professional Social Care)PC404190 – 367
B.A (Honours) in Arts & HumanitiesPC410252 – 488
B.A (Honours) in English & HistoryPC411242 – 544
B.A (Honours) in PsychologyPC414298 – 440

Please note: The lower number is the CAO cut-off and the higher is the highest points achieve by a student who accepted the course in 2023.

  1. Level 7: (PC404)-Applicants must obtain a minimum of 5 passes at any ordinary level.
  2. Level 8: (PC410/PC411)-Applicants must obtain a minimum of at least two H5’s / higher C3’s and four passes at ordinary level.
  3. Level 8: (PC414 Psychology): Applicants must have H5 or above in two higher level subjects plus a minimum of four O6s; Minimum of 06 in Mathematics.
  4. Mathematics is NOT an entry requirement for most courses at Carlow College, with the exception of Psychology (PC414).
  5. Irish, English OR a foreign language satisfies the language requirement for all courses at Carlow College.
  6. The Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) does not meet the minimum entry requirements for programmes at Carlow College. Holders of the LCA may gain entry through FETAC level 5&6 awards.

Carlow College, St. Patrick’s awards points for results in Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme Link Modules (LCVP) in place of a Leaving Certificate subject as follows:

LCVP GradePoints