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Leaving Cert Lecture Series


Welcome to the Carlow College Leaving Cert Lecture Series 2024/25!

Designed to support both Senior Cycle students and their teachers, this new lecture series offers a unique opportunity to explore key areas of the Leaving Cert syllabus in greater depth. Through a range of interactive and expert-led online lectures, students will enhance their understanding of critical subjects, gaining valuable insights and academic enrichment beyond the classroom. 

Lectures are FREE, but registration is essential.

Each lecture will be held at 2pm on the specified date and run for 45 minutes plus 10 minutes Q&A time. All lectures will be livestreamed and recorded for watching back at a later date.

Lecture Schedule

Title: “This Remarkable Form: stretching the sonnet in Hopkins and Kavanagh”

Speaker: Dr Derek Coyle, Lecturer in English & Creative Writing

Time: 2pm

This lecture will focus on the Honours English prescribed poets of Gerard Manley Hopkins and Patrick Kavanagh.

Watch Lecture Recording Here

Title: “The Rise of Fascism”

Speaker: Dr Ida Milne, Lecturer in European History

Time: 2pm

This lecture will focus on the History syllabus topic: Dictatorship and democracy in Europe, 1920-1945 specifically exploring the rise of Fascism in Europe. 

Watch Lecture Recording Here

Title: ‘The Devil is alive in Salem’ – Truth or Dare in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible (1953)

Speaker: Dr James Heaney, Lecturer in English Literature

Time: 2pm

This lecture will focus on the English prescribed drama text The Crucible by Arthur Miller.

Watch Lecture Recording Here

Title: “From Gods to Man, from Myth to Reason: Ancient Greek Philosophy and the birth of Reason.”

Speaker: Dr Noel Kavanagh, Lecturer in Philosophy

Time: 12.30pm (please note this lecture is at 12.30pm, not 2pm)

This lecture will focus on the section ” ‘Gods and Humans’ in the Classical Studies syllabus.

Watch Lecture Recording Here

Title: Misinformation and Fake News: Separating Fact from Fiction

Speaker: Steph Hanlon, Lecturer in Politics & Society

Time: 2pm

This lecture will focus on Learning Strand 2 under Active Citizenship exploring  seeking and evaluating information and ideas within the Politics & Society syllabus.

Watch Webinar Here

Title: “Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1831): The Political Monster”

Speaker: Dr Simon Workman, Lecturer in English Literature

Time: 2pm

This lecture will focus on the novel Frankenstein (1831 version) by Mary Shelley from the English Leaving Cert syllabus.

Watch Webinar Here

Title: “Society and Economy: The 1913 Lockout”

Speaker: Dr Elaine Callinan, Lecturer in Irish History

Time: 2pm

This lecture will focus on aspects of the Later Modern field of study, Irish History, 1815-1993 in the Leaving Cert History syllabus.

Watch Recording Here

Title: “Christianity: Origins and Contemporary Expressions”

Speaker: Michael Sherman, Lecturer in Theology

Time: 2pm

This lecture will focus on Section B of the Leaving Cert Religious Education syllabus.

Register Here

Notice to attendees

These events will be recorded and shared on the Carlow College YouTube channel and website after the event.

Personal Data

The personal data of event participants is managed as described in Carlow College, St Patrick’s Events Privacy Notice.