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Academic Matters


The academic programme at Carlow College, St. Patrick’s is semesterised and modularised. Each semester comprises 15 weeks: 12 weeks of classes followed by on study week and two weeks of examinations. During each semester, you will likely study six modules, each comprising a 2-hour lecture and 1-hour tutorial per week.

Student & Course Registration

Student registration is completed online in early September each academic year. Upon registration, you will receive your schedule for Orientation and Induction week.

The purpose of our induction for first year students is to try to make them comfortable and at ease in their first few weeks at college. We aim to get students to know one another and to begin to understand some of the methods we use to enable student to learn while here and the academic, IT and pastoral supports available to help along the way.

During induction week, you will receive your College identification (ID) card, meet your Programme Director, Academic Advisor and the Student Supports team.

Attendance at Lectures & Tutorials

All students are required to attend lectures and tutorials. It is important to check your timetable carefully. Absences should be reported to your Academic Advisor (a medical certificate may be required).

All non-EU learners are required to maintain a minimum 80% attendance rate for immigration purposes.

Attendance at Examinations

All students are required to attend all scheduled assessments and examinations. If you miss an end-of-semester examination, contact your Academic Advisor for advice as a matter of priority. 

Academic Calendar & Timetables

The Academic Calendar is available on the Student Portal and contains dates of teaching weeks, study days, examination dates and Exam Board meetings throughout the autumn and spring semesters of each academic year.


Semester timetables are published at the start of each semester.