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Hybrid Working


Welcome to the Carlow College, St. Patrick’s Hybrid Working webpage. This page was developed to provide staff with comprehensive information about:

  • the new Hybrid Working Handbook
  • how to apply for hybrid working
  • what types of arrangements are in place or can be agreed upon
  • employee and line manager responsibilities including the necessary forms
  • essential information around Data Protection, IT Security and Wellbeing.

At Carlow College, we use the term ‘Hybrid Working’, however you may see the term ‘remote working’ used also in some of the documents, particularly in health and safety and the new ‘Right to Request to Remote Work Bill’ and forthcoming legislation.

We hope you find this new webpage layout more user friendly and easier to navigate. We are always looking for ways to improve our webpage, so please feel free to contact for any queries or suggestions you might have.

It is important to take the time to read all the pages, as they are essential for navigating your way through the application process.