Gaelic Games introduced Carlow College

Carlow College, St Patrick’s has welcomed Gaelic games back into its grounds with the establishment of a Mixed Hurling team within the Carlow College Students’ Union (CCSU).

For a long time, the only sporting team available to Carlow College students was the Men’s Soccer team, however, the announcement of a Mixed Hurling Team received a tremendous response from the student body.

Speaking of the team, Captain Aaron Ferguson said: “I felt it was important to provide students with an opportunity to get involved in gaelic games, so when I floated the idea with CCSU, they were very supportive and got right behind the idea. And, the response from students has been amazing.”

The new team, coached by Lecturer in Theology, Michael Sherman, is being sponsored by local businesses, Tully’s Bar and Dinn Rí – supporting the team in getting jerseys provided by JF Sports.

“We are very grateful to have Michael come on board as coach this year and I’d like to thank our CCSU Clubs & Societies Officer, Lucy O’Hora for her support in promoting the team to our students”, says Aaron.

“Without the support of Tully’s Bar and Dinn Rí we would not have been able to fund our jerseys, so their support in much appreciated. I would also like to thank Jason and the team at JF Sports for providing the jerseys for the team”, says Aaron.

Carlow College Students’ Union President, Jacky Casserly, said at the launch: “We are delighted to be able to support a new opportunity for all students to get involved in sport. The CCSU is all about supporting students in getting the most out of their third level experience, and our clubs and societies are central to this.”



Back Row: William Rainsford (CCSU Mature Student Officer); Dr Eric Derr (College Vice President); Aaron Ferguson (Team Captain); Eric O’Connor; Dylan Corcoran; Michael Sherman (Coach); Jacky Casserly (CCSU President); Lucy O’Hora (CCSU Clubs & Societies Officer)

Front Row: Kaitlyn Brien; Sarah Jane Doran; Tegan Wall; Vicky Nulty; Katie Corcoran; Mary Kate Gannon

Absent: Jeff McCarthy; Cara Louise Phelan; Rebecca Gallagher

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