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Dignity & Respect



The College strives to create an environment that is supportive and conducive to work and study. The College has a diverse learner, research and staff body with multiple roles. The College promotes, and is committed to supporting, a collegiate environment for its staff, learners and other community members, which is free from personal harassment (on any of the nine grounds included in equalitylegislation), bullying and sexual harassment. These include:

  • gender;
  • civil status (single, married, divorced, etc.);
  • family status (if you are the parent or person responsible for a child over 18, or if you are the main carer or parent of a person with a disability);
  • sexual orientation;
  • religion;
  • age;
  • disability;
  • race; and
  • being a member of the Traveling community

The concept of equality is central to the ethos of the College, where accordingly, equal respect to all members of its community is a central part of Carlow College’s mission to ensuring everyone has the same opportunities to fulfil their potential free from discrimination.

The College states clearly its expectation that all members of the community will work to develop and maintain a high degree of respect and civility in our community. This does not affect the values of free open enquiry and discussion of ideas, or humour.