Carlow College launched its new Civic Engagement Hub to promote the contribution students and staff make across the College and wider community.
The Civic Engagement Hub aims to:
- facilitate and support staff and students in their contributions to community engagement in the various different areas of community engagement activities.
- promote community engagement as a valued and essential activity of the College community.
- develop an overall profile of the public and civic engagement activities undertaken by the College community.
To launch the Civic Engagement Hub, the College hosted its inaugural Engagement Week from the 6th – 10th March comprising a series of public lectures, workshops and exhibitions.
The establishment of the Hub is also in tune with the National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030. Civic Engagement forms a very important aspect of that report where it articulates that:
“Engagement with the wider community must become more firmly embedded in the mission of higher education institutions. Higher education institutions need to become more firmly embedded in the social and economic contexts of the communities they live in and serve.”
Colin Hunt Tweet
Commenting on the launch, Chair of the Civic Engagement Hub, Michael Sherman, said: “The Hub is a visible promotion of community engagement as a valued and essential activity of the College community. The Hub particularly encourages staff and student engagement with diverse intercultural groups, minority groups, businesses, industries, and other organisations that share similar values and objectives.”

Women in Education & Work Lecture
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International Women's Day
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Staff vs Students Chess Challenge
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Finding God in Video Games Lecture
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Living Synodality Now Symposium
A one-day symposium on the Synodal Pathway and its implications for faith life in contemporary Ireland jointly organised by SETU and Carlow College, St Patrick’s.