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What do I do if there is a data breach?


What do I do if there is a data breach?

If you discover a personal data breach, suspect that a breach may have occurred or are aware that personal data is ‘at risk’, contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) immediately in person or by phone: Bernie Deasy, 059 915 3238

If you do not succeed in contacting the DPO, contact the Office of the President, the Director of Operations or your line manager in that order.


What is a data breach?

A personal data breach means a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed, for example, sending an email or other information containing personal data to an unintended recipient; or loss or theft of a paper file containing personal data.


How are data breaches dealt with?

Reported breaches are assessed and investigated in accordance with our Personal Data Breach Response Plan.


Does the College have to report breaches?

Yes. Any breach that poses a risk to data subjects must be reported to the Data Protection Commission within 72 hours. Some breaches are also reportable to data subjects. The team investigating the breach will decide what notifications are required.