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How do I make a data protection request?


This form can be used to make a data protection request.

We need to verify your identify in order to process your request. Please include a copy of your identification document (e.g., passport, driver’s licence, student ID card). Photo-identification may be required for visual records (e.g., CCTV) to correctly identify you. A copy of an identification document is usually sufficient, but we reserve the right to request access to original documents. Copies of identification will be destroyed securely once we have verified your identity. Please include details we can use to easily contact you if we need further information to process your request. Requests may be sent to Bernie Deasy, Data Protection Officer, Carlow College, St. Patrick’s, College Street, Carlow; or We will reply as quickly as possible, and within one month.

    Data subjects have number of rights under the GDPR. Please tick the rights which you are exercising:
    Right to informationRight of accessRight to rectificationRight to erasureRight to restrict processingRight to data portabilityRight to object to processingRights in relation to automated decision making and profiling

    Please tell us what personal data forms the basis of your request and give us any further information we might need: