Carlow College Students Shine as their Creative Writing Gets Published

In a remarkable display of talent, dedication, and perseverance, two part-time Carlow College students have recently reached a significant milestone in their writing careers. Róisín McIntosh and Derek Kelly, both of whom have recently completed the Certificate in Creative Writing (Fiction) course, have managed to capture the attention of literary enthusiasts and publishers alike, with their creative writing pieces recently being published.

While balancing their coursework and various responsibilities, Róisín and Derek worked hard over the 12-weeks to hone their writing skills, experimenting with different genres and styles. 

Their hard work and unwavering commitment to their craft paid off when they decided to submit their work for publication. Róisín’s short story, “One Upon A Time A Woman” has been published in Splonk, Ireland’s most prestigious flash fiction journal.

Likewise, Derek has recently had two short stories published: “Hastilude” in Adelaide Literary Magazine and “Large White Chrysanthemums” in cc&d Magazine (v336) which is due for published in August 2023.  

Speaking of the achievement, Róisín said: “I returned to learning with this certificate in creative writing, very low in confidence about my ability. The environment created in class was one of trust and open collaboration, and while it pushed me out of my comfort zone to not only workshop and collaborate with classmates, it was so freeing to be afforded the chance to learn from others while being able to express myself.”

Róisín continued: “The piece published in Splonk #9 originated in class. I was struggling to write with precision so worked on a piece of Flash Fiction which became Once Upon a Time a Woman, a piece about a woman’s journey through trauma and healing. One week, it was my turn to read my work for class and I chose this piece to read. Knowing that I was going to be reading it for others drove me forward, and in a trusted environment also.”

"There is no doubt in my mind that the piece was deemed suitable for publication only because I had the very best of guidance and support through this course. I am so grateful for the wonderful experience I've had with Carlow College."

Róisín McIntosh
Derek Kelly recites his prose piece at the Annual Literary Awards

Commenting on their success, Dr Eoghan Smith, Lecturer in English & Creative Writing at Carlow College said: “Huge congratulations to Róisin and Derek, both graduates of the Certificate in Creative Writing (Fiction) programme. Getting work published in such a competitive environment requires an abundance of of talent and lots of persistence, and it is wonderful to see their brilliant stories in both Irish and international journals.”

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